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Fall 2024, Instructor: Huanchen Zhang

Assignment 2
Due time:

Tentative Schedule

WeekDateLectureDateHomework & Projects
1 09/10Course Overview & Introduction to CHW0 release
209/17Holiday!⛱️ No ClassHW0 due, HW1 release
309/24C Basics
409/29C MemoryHW1 due, HW2 release
510/08C Advanced
610/15Object-Oriented Programming & C++HW2 due, HW3 release
7 10/22Inheritance & Polymorphism
810/29STL & Modern C++11/03HW3 due, HW4 release
9 11/05C++ Design Patterns
10 11/12Performance Fun!11/17HW4 due, P1 release
14 12/15P1 due, P2 release
18 01/12P2 due


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